Wet Etch and Clean
Wet cleaning including RCA cleaning method, dilution chemical method, IMEC cleaning method, single chip cleaning.
RCA cleaning relies on solvents, adds, surfactants, and water to spray, purify, oxidize, etch, and dissolve contaminants, organic mat., and metal ion contamination on the surface of the wafer without damaging the surface characteristics of the wafer. Washing thoroughly in ultra-pure water (UPW) after each use of the chemicals.
APM is commonly known as SC-1 and is formulated as NH4OH:H202 H20.1:1:5 - 1:2:7
HPM is commonly known as SC-2 and is formulated as: CI: H20 2:1-120.1:1:6 - 1:211
The main components of DHF(diluted hydrofluoric acid) are hydrofluoric acid and water.
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IMEC cleaning process as follows:(see Figure 2), solutions involved Of water, H2SO4, HCL, DHF
The solution used for dilution chemical method and single chip cleaning method is contained in RCA and IMEC cleaning solutions.